
BioTonic Hair Tonic

BioTonic Ultimo Shampoo

BioTonic Smoother

BioTonic Tsubaki - NEW PRODUCT


Menumbuhkan Rambut

Mencegah Kebotakan

Menguatkan Akar Rambut

Membuat Rambut Sehat Berkilau

Ultimo Shampoo

Complete Hair Solution

Re-growth, Smooth and No Dandruff

Ultra Growth, Ultra Smooth

Ultra Clean, Ultra Moisture


Melembabkan Rambut Kering

Melembabkan Kulit yang Kering

Melindungi dan Menyehatkan Rambut

Membuat Rambut Mudah Diatur

BioTonic Tsubaki

The red camellia flower

High Quality Tsubaki Oil

Indonesian BPOM Certified

Feel the improvement in texture and softness after one use